Monday, July 13, 2009

Maddison Gabriel @ Elite

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Juan.

    It looks like you've been authorized to take Maddison's photos on behalf of Elite. She is truly blossoming, and you've done her justice.

    Would you let her mum know that I (formerly "The Parody Blogger") discontinued my blog for Maddison at, based on uncertainty as to the kind of continued attention the family may want to have on Maddison? I generated some controversy and then repented and tried to redeem myself with the blog. But that blog is not out of commission.

    I'm an author of two books and was a very successful blogger for American Idol for three seasons. Plus, I'm a lawyer who has represented artists in the past.

    If the family would like me to support Maddison with my writing in some way, free of charge because I believe in Maddison and her mum, please have them contact me at

